Autoicous or paroicous (not in Victoria). Gregarious on soil, often on a persistent protonema. Stems simple or sparingly branched by innovation, with rhizoids restricted to base; central strand present, small. Leaves ovate or lanceolate to subulate from an oblong to oblong-ovate base, erect to erect-spreading and flexuose when moist, scarcely altered when dry; apex acute, acuminate or subulate; costa subpercurrent (not in Victoria), percurrent or excurrent, often weaker in leaf base; margin entire to serrulate, plane, without a border; laminal cells quadrate, oblong, rhombic, rectangular or linear, becoming longer toward base, smooth or papillose (not in Victoria), often bistratose toward apex. Capsule immersed to short-exserted (not in Victoria), globose (not in Victoria), ovoid, pyriform, obovoid or cylindric (not in Victoria), rostrate, cleistocarpous, without an annulus, with a strongly differentiated obovoid or cylindric neck. Calyptra mitrate, lobed at base, smooth or papillose (not in Victoria). Peristome absent.