In an effort to deal with the high number of requests to VicFlora we have
moved the maps into a new subdomain. If the maps do not work, it might be
that your browser is still trying to connect to the old map server.
Clearing the browser's cache should clear that up. We hope that this
change, together with other changes we made in the last few weeks, will
bring about a positive change in user experience for VicFlora. Thanks to
all our users for hanging in there.
VicFlora allows you to generate your own species checklists for Victorian Parks and Reserves, Bioregions, Local Government Areas, and by Registered Aboriginal Party boundary areas. To do this, simply select one of the four options to update the map with the correct layer. Next, click on the map in the area you are trying to generate a checklist for. The results will then be displayed automatically below the map. You can then either filter the results further, or download the list in .CSV format by clicking the Download button.
For further guidance, please refer to our short video tutorial on checklist generation, using the Registered Aboriginal Party regions layer as an example.