Flowering plant slender, 5–12 cm tall. Leaf linear, 6–10 cm long, about half as long as flowering stem, 1–2 mm wide. Flowers 1 or 2, externally reddish, not opening (cleistogamous); ovary 3–4 mm long; perianth segments 6–7 mm long, 2–3 mm wide, glandular outside, with rounded acute tips; dorsal sepal linear-elliptic; lateral sepals asymmetrically ovate-lanceolate; petals obliquely lanceolate. Labellum sessile, 3-lobed, 4–6 mm long, 5–6.5 mm wide (when flattened), white, with a few dark red, narrow, transverse bars; lateral lobes prominent, broad, margins slightly wavy; mid-lobe c. 2.5 mm long, recurved in distal half, triangular, margin without calli but slightly irregular, tip of labellum yellow; lamina calli in 2 rows up to base of mid-lobe, stalked and clubbed, yellow. Column incurved, narrowly winged, greenish, barred dark-red; anther with prominent short point. Flowers Aug.–Sep.
GipP, EGL. Also SA, NSW. Scattered across southern Victoria, east of Melbourne, among low shrubs in heathland and open-forest, often in moss over rocks or in soils with laterite nodules.