Caladenia cremna
(D.L.Jones) G.N.Backh.Flowering plant 15–20 cm tall. Leaf 8–10 cm long, 4–8 mm wide. Flower solitary; perianth segments 2.7–4.5 cm long, pale yellowish with red striae; dorsal sepal erect, lateral sepals and petals divergent, tips drooping; dorsal sepal flattened at base, 2–3 mm wide, tapered to a filiform, clubbed tail, club 4–6 mm long, with dark red-purple, globose, contiguous, sessile glands; lateral sepals flattened at base, 4–6 mm wide, tapered to short filiform clubbed tails, clubs 0.5–1.5 mm long, similar to those of dorsal sepal; petals shorter than sepals, flattened at base, 2–3 mm wide, tapered to an acuminate apex. Labellum curved forward with apex recurved, lamina ovate-lanceolate, obscurely 3-lobed, 15–17 mm long and 9–10 mm wide (when flattened), mostly yellowish with a deep reddish apex; marginal calli on lateral lobes, red, linear, c. 1 mm long, diminishing in size and merging towards the apex; lamina calli in 4 or 6 rows, dull red, not crowded, extending onto base of mid-lobe, foot-shaped, to 1.7 mm long at base of lamina, decreasing in size towards apex. Flowers Oct.
VRiv. Endemic to Victoria where known only from a steep forested slaty hillside near Whitfield in the north-east.
Known from a single locality and up to 35 plants; regarded as critically endangered.
Caladenia cremna is most similar to C. australis, which has longer osmophores on all the sepals and more numerous, longer, linear marginal teeth on the labellum.