Prostrate or erect perennial shrubs to small trees. Leaves modified to phyllodes or reduced to scales, alternate, often pungent, terete to broad-ovate, sessile or on a short petiole-like base; stipules minute or absent. Inflorescence usually axillary, racemose, modified to false umbel, cluster or single flower. Flowers pedicellate; bracts small, present at base of peduncles and pedicels and along basal part of rachis; bracteoles absent. Calyx 5-toothed, teeth usually unequal, upper 2 wider and more or less fused; petals slender-clawed, usually yellowish with reddish markings; standard orbicular to transverse-elliptic, emarginate, often shorter than wings and keel; wings obovate; keel often beaked; stamens free or slightly coherent, anthers dimorphic, alternately large and small; ovary glabrous, stipitate, style blunt, glabrous, stigma terminal, minute, ovules 2. Pod obliquely triangular, more or less compressed, rarely inflated, glabrous, subsessile or stipitate; seeds 1–2, mottled, brown, red-brown or black, arillate.