Terrestrial, probably perennial; stolons present. Leaves few, rosetted and on stolons, narrow-lanceolate to narrow-linear, to c. 45 mm long, to c. 1.6 mm wide. Traps few at peduncle base and on stolons, ovoid to globose, 1–4 mm long. Racemes 1–several, erect, 4–35 cm long, mostly 1–10-flowered; sterile bracts absent; fertile bracts basifixed, oblong to ovate, 2–3.5 mm long; bracteoles similar to bracts; calyx-lobes unequal, upper lobe broad-ovate or circular, 2.5–4.5 mm long, lower lobe ovate to broad-ovate, emarginate. Corolla 8–15 mm long, mostly dark violet; upper lip obovate, emarginate; lower lip much larger, hatchet-shaped to reniform, with 4–11 yellow, slightly raised radiating ridges; palate glabrous with pubescent lateral margins; spur cylindric, shorter than lower lip, apex bilobed. Capsule globose, 3–5 mm diam.; seeds narrow-obovoid, c. 0.8 mm long. Flowers Sep.–Mar.
LoM, Wim, GleP, VVP, VRiv, MuF, GipP, OtP, WaP, Gold, CVU, GGr, DunT, NIS, HNF. Also SA, NSW. Scattered through western and northern Victoria, often around swamp margins or in other seasonally wet areas, usually in sandy or clayey soils.