Perennial herb, leaves and flowers annual; corm globose, with outer layers loosely fibrous. Leaves several, basal and sub-basal, sickle-shaped or narrowly ovate to linear, flat, glabrous, with 3–7 prominent veins. Inflorescence with scape erect, terete, wiry, rarely branched; flowers arranged on one side of axis or sub-distichous; flowering axis erect or bent to one side, unbranched; primary bracts truncate, shortly toothed, herbaceous to dry and membranous, sub-equal, the distal ('inner') one shortly bifid. Flowers actinomorphic or slightly zygomorphic, sessile; perianth tube narrow at base, widened and funnel-shaped distally, lobes longer than tube, equal or bilabiate with the adaxial lobe largest and hood-shaped; stamens symmetrically or asymmetrically arranged around the style; anther included, sub-basifixed to versatile, curved; style exceeding stamens, 3-branched, each branch entire, recurved thread-like or expanded. Capsule ellipsoid to ovoid, trigonous, membranous; seed numerous.