Prostrate, procumbent, or erect shrub, 0.3–2.0 m high, and 3 m wide. Stem indumentum sericeous, with longitudinally aligned, appressed, straight hairs. Leaves deeply divided, 1–2-pinnate, ovate to obovate to triangular in outline, 35–117 mm long, 19–110(–120) mm wide; leaves 3–8(–11) cm long, 2.5–6(–10.5) cm wide; primary lobes 2–13, and including secondary and tertiary lobes, 3–30 lobes in total; lobes linear, some terminal leaflets occasionally narrowly triangular, 7–42 mm long, 1–4 mm wide; lower surface subsericeous with straight hairs; upper surface sparsely to densely hairy; margin almost flat to slightly recurved to strongly revolute. Conflorescences terminal, erect or decurved, usually simple, secund, 2–5 cm long; rachises subsericeous; perianth green to cream at base and grey to mauve above; outer surface openly to occasionally densely subsericeous; pistil 19.5–25 mm long, ovary stipitate, subsericeous; style pink to red, occasionally orange or pale yellow, with a green tip, glabrous, style-end dorsally convex, with a gradual taper from the pollen presenter to the style, pollen presenter oblique. Fruits 11–16(–17) mm long with brown longitudinal markings, subsericeous. Flowers mainly Nov.–Mar.
LoM, MuM, Wim, GGr. Also SA. In Victoria, the species occurs mostly in the Little Desert, and nearby areas, with one collection from from the Big Desert, and two 1920's collections from the 'Grampians'. It is found typically in mallee scrub, heath, and Melaleuca uncinata communities, on sandy acid or calcareous soils.
A recently resurrected taxon, segregated from the Grevillea ilicifolia species complex. The chief distinctions between G. angustiloba and G. ilicifolia are leaf shape, degree of division, and width of leaf lobes. Additionally some populations of G. ilicifolia have curled hairs on the leaf lower surface, but this is not a constant character, even in the same geographic area. Possibly better treated at infraspecific rank within G. ilicifolia.
There are 2 subspecies.