Spreading to erect shrub (1–)1.5–3(–5) m high, 1.5–4.5(–6) m wide. Branchlets densely subsericeous or densely subtomentose. Leaves entire, usually narrowly elliptic to lanceolate, or occasionally ovate or oblanceolate, (20–)35–120(–200) mm long, (7–)10–35(–50) mm wide; upper surface glabrous, or occasionally microscopically asperulous (40 x magnification), dull or glossy; margins flat to revolute; lower surface densely sericeous or subsericeous, or densely subtomentose, lateral veins evident to prominent, reticulum absent or prominent. Conflorescences terminal or axillary, decurved to pendulous, usually simple to 3-branched. Primary peduncles (0–)3–17mm long, (1.0–)1.2–1.6 mm wide, indumentum moderately densely subsericeous; floral rachises (8–)17–90 mm long. Very early flower buds wholly ferruginous or light ferruginous, or perianth below the limb ferruginous and limb tan-coloured. Limb of flower buds subglobose in side view, apex obtuse. Limb-segments of tepals (mature pre-anthesis flowers) not keeled or seldom slightly to moderately keeled along external midline. Dorsal tepals 18–22 mm(–23.5) long, 1.9–2.5 mm wide. Perianth outer surface (below limb) red or pinkish-red, epidermis partially visible, densely subsericeous, subtomentose or tomentose; inner surface glabrous except for beard near base; perianth inner surface monochromatic, red or pinkish-red. Pistil (18–)20–22.5(–25) mm long, ovary stipitate, glabrous, style red or pinkish-red; face of pollen strongly oblique to style, flat to slightly convex. Fruits glabrous. Flowering has been recorded primarily Aug.-Jan., but in the absence of snow can occur sporadically throughout the year.
GipP, GGr, EGU, HSF, HNF, MonT, VAlp. NSW, Vic. In Victoria Grevillea victoriae is confined to the high montane, subalpine and alpine regions, but occasionally can be found as low as 500 metres above sea level.