Dioicous. Asexual reproduction by leaf gemmae borne on stalks arising from the base of adaxial costae; stalks remaining attached to costae after gemmae detach leaving the leaf unaffected. Cushions on rocks, olive-green to reddish or blackish. Stems ascending 15–80 mm tall, reddish-brown, with reddish-brown rhizoids restricted to base, central strand absent. Leaves patent when moist, erecto-appressed or somewhat flexuous when dry, lanceolate, 2–2.8 mm long, 0.4–0.8 mm wide, keeled; apex acuminate, with a smooth to denticulate hyaline hairpoint; costa excurrent as hairpoint, abaxially protruding; margins entire, recurved in basal 1/2–2/3 on one side, occasionally both sides plane, unistratose, rarely bistratose in the apical 2/3; laminal cells in apical half rectangular, 6–28 μm long, 4–8 μm wide, smooth, sinuose and distinctly incrassate, unistratose, gradually transitioning into basal laminal cells; basal laminal cells rectangular, 10–85 μm long, 5–18 μm wide, smooth, yellow near costa. Sporogones almost always absent. Seta 2.5–5.5 mm long, yellow, smooth, twisted anticlockwise. Capsule exserted, erect to pendent, ellipsoid, c. 1.3–1.5 mm long, symmetric, yellow. Calyptra mitrate, smooth. Operculum rostrate. Peristome present.
Widespread along and near the Great Dividing Range, and in the south-west, among outcrops or along rocky creek banks in woodland of sclerophyll forest. Also WA, SA, NSW, ACT and Tas. New Zealand and South America.