Loose cushions on rock, 15–40 mm tall, without asexual propagules. Stems frequently dichotomously branching. Leaves curved outwards when moist, erecto-appressed to somewhat homomallous when dry, ovate-lanceolate, 2–3.4 mm long, 0.7–1 mm wide, caniculate adaxially, keeled, plicate with a single pleat on one side of costa; costa subpercurrent to excurrent; apex acute, with a short concolourous to brown point or a short to long hyaline hair-point; margins entire or with small teeth at apex, revolute in basal two-thirds, mostly unistratose, occasionally bistratose toward apex, with a border of pellucid, straight-walled and sometimes ±inflated cells at base; laminal cells mostly unistratose, rarely bistratose, isodiametric, oblong or rectangular, 13–45 μm long, 8–11 μm wide, shorter at apex, longer at base, smooth; alar cells differentiated, thinner- and straight-walled. Seta 3–5 mm long, yellow or orange, smooth. Capsule cylindric, 1.2–2.2 mm long. Calyptra smooth. Operculum long-rostrate, to 1 mm long. Peristome teeth divided.
GipP, Gold, CVU, GGr, EGU, HSF, HNF, OtR, MonT, HFE, VAlp. Mostly along the Great Dividing Range and higher mountain ranges in rocky areas in woodland or subalpine heath but also occasionally in exposed rocky outcrops or rocky edges to rivers or beside waterfalls elsewhere in the south (e.g. the ranges of far-East Gippsland, Wilsons Promontory, the Strzelecki Ranges and the Otways). Also WA, QLD, NSW and Tas. New Zealand, New Guinea, subantarctic islands, Central and South America, the Caribbean, Hawaiian Islands and Japan.