Pseudautoicous. Asexual propagules absent. Mats on trees, yellow to olive-green, to 17 mm tall. Stem brown to black, tomentose with brown rhizomes where in contact with substrate. Branch leaves flexuose-twisted and strongly inrolled when dry, flexuose-spreading when moist, ligulate to lanceolate-ligulate, 1–2.7 mm long, 0.25–0.4 mm wide, carinate; apex broadly acute or with a 1-celled apiculus; costa subpercurrent; margin crenulated toward apex, entire toward base, plane to reflexed, without a border; laminal cells in apical half rounded, 6–13 μm long, 7–15 μm wide, with 1–4 conic papillae; basal laminal cells gradually becoming rectangular, 14–45 μm long, 5–13 μm wide, smooth or a few with a papilla. Seta 4–8 mm long, brown, smooth, twisted clockwise. Calyptra glabrous. Capsules erect, narrowly oblong-ovate to cylindric-oblong, 1–2 mm long, straight. Peristome single; exostome teeth 16, erect-inflexed; endostome absent. Operculum rostrate, c. 0.75 mm long.
EGL, EGU, HSF, HFE. New Zealand. Rarely recorded in warm-temperate rainforest and riparian Tristaniopsis forest in East Gippsland.