Flowering stem 15–30 cm tall. Leaf-blade to 15 cm long, 2–3 mm diam. at base, apex senescent at flowering. Flowers greenish brown to brown, 7–15(–20) in a loose raceme; ovary obovoid, shortly pedicellate; sepals 5–8 mm long, dorsal sepal ovate-lanceolate, decurved, lateral sepals free or fused at base, narrow-lanceolate, erect or recurved, more or less parallel, margins incurved; petals linear, 5–6 mm long, acute. Labellum ovate, 4–5 mm long, shortly clawed, reflexed at right angles near middle, base pouched, lamina narrow, greenish or pinkish, margins entire, callus plate hardly raised, greenish to purple-brown, deeply channelled. Column appendages linear-oblong, 1.5 mm long. Flowers Oct.–Nov.
Wim, Gold, GGr. Apparently endemic in Victoria. A poorly known species apparently confined to woodlands in the Ararat/Pomonal/Deep Lead area of western Victoria.