Densely tufted, rhizomatous, evergreen perennial herb. Basal leaves equitant, linear, flat, glabrous. Inflorescence with scape erect, terete, rarely branched, with 2–4 reduced leaves; flowering part of inflorescence a cluster of 3–6 flowers enclosed by 2 opposite herbaceous primary bracts. Flowers zygomorphic, pedicellate, separated by membranous secondary bracts; perianth lobes free, abruptly narrowed basally, outer perianth lobes unequal, spreading, inner perianth lobes oblong, shorter than inner perianth lobes, 2 spreading, the third hooded over the stamens; stamens 2, filaments free, flattened, equal, anthers versatile, oblong, unequal, oblique; staminode 1; filament shorter than staminal filaments; anther absent; ovary cylindric, enclosed in primary bracts; style filiform, unbranched, exceeding anthers, stigma 3-branched, branches flattened, unequal. Capsule exserted; seeds many, flattened, with aril absent.