Prostrate, often mat-forming herb; stems to c. 40 cm long, often rooting at nodes, sparsely to moderately covered with antrorse hairs. Leaves ovate to broad-ovate, mostly 5–17 mm long and 2–9 mm wide, broadly acute to obtuse, upper surface with sparse to moderately dense, spreading hairs, margins flat; petiole 1–3 mm long; stipules with 1–3 glandular teeth, margins ciliate. Flowers sessile to subsessile; calyx a 2-lobed collar, lobes narrow-triangular, 0.5–1 mm long; corolla narrowly funnel-shaped, 7–12 mm long, greenish-cream, lobes 1–1,.5 mm long; anthers 1.8–3 mm long; stigmas to 15 mm long; ovary virtually glabrous except near summit. Drupe broad-ellipsoid, 2–3 mm long, somewhat fleshy, crowned by persistent calyx-lobes. Flowers Oct.–Jan.
GleP, Brid, VVP, GipP, OtP, WaP, CVU, GGr, DunT, EGL, EGU, HSF, HNF, OtR, Strz, MonT, HFE, VAlp. Also SA, NSW, Tas. Widespread in moist shady forests of southern Victoria, from near the SA border to the far east, mostly in tall forests, but occurring also in wet scrub and heath in the west, e.g. near Apollo Bay, Blanket Bay, Port Campbell, Portland area.