Allium neapolitanum
Cirillo Naples OnionBulb subglobose, 1–2 cm diam., often with lateral bulblets. Scape solid, to 50 cm long, slightly 3-angled. Leaves almost basal, usually 2–3, flat, slightly keeled, 8–40 cm long, 5–30 mm wide. Umbel hemispherical, 5–8 cm diam., lacking bulbils; pedicels 1.5–3.5 cm long, spathe entire; perianth cup-shaped, segments ovate, 7–12 mm long, white; stamens shorter than perianth segments, filaments narrowly triangular. Capsule ovoid, c. 5 mm long. Flowers Sep.–Dec.
Wim, GipP, Gold. Also naturalised in WA, SA, NSW, Tas. Native to the Mediterranean region. In Victoria, mostly associated with settled areas, occasionally grown as an ornamental, persisting in gardens and occasionally spreading (e.g. Nhill, Bendigo area, Melbourne suburbs).
Conran, J.G. (1994). Liliaceae. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 2, Ferns and Allied Plants, Conifers and Monocotyledons, pp. 637–686. Inkata Press, Melbourne.