Autoicous. Tufts on trees, yellowish brown. Stems erect, 6–10 mm long, black, with red rhizoids toward base. Leaves widely spreading when moist, strongly twisted but not crisped when dry, linear-lanceolate with a shoulder c. ¼ way along leaf from attachment, 2–3.5 mm long, 0.4–0.9 mm wide, concave; apex acute or acuminate; costa ending below or in apex; margin entire, plane, with a distinct border of less elongate cells below shoulder; laminal cells in apical half short-rectangular to quadrate, 5–20 μm long, 5–12 μm wide, papillose; basal laminal cells away from margin abruptly delimited by the leaf shoulder, rectangular to linear, 15–70 μm long, 3.5–8 μm wide, smooth, yellowish; basal marginal cells less elongate, quadrate or rectangular, 8–35 μm long, 7–15 μm wide, clear, forming a distinct border extending to leaf shoulder, 4–6 rows wide. Seta 2.5–5 mm long, yellowish, smooth, twisted anticlockwise. Capsule erect, oblong-ovoid to subcylindric, 1–2 mm long, straight, yellowish or brown, 8-ribbed to base; neck short. Exostome teeth splitting, recurved when dry; endostome segments 8. Operculum rostrate from conic base, 0.4–0.5 mm long.
HSF, MonT, HFE, VAlp. Recorded from montane forest and cool-temperate rainforest above 1000 metres above sea level around Mount Donna Buang, Marysville and the Erinundra Plateau in East Gippsland.