Viscid spreading herb to c. 30 cm high; stems terete, hollow. Leaves opposite or alternate, orbicular to suborbicular, 8–23 cm diam., cordate, apex obtuse to broadly acute, 5-veined, margins shallowly dentate; petiole 9–18 cm long. Racemes erect, dense, 16–30 cm long, shorter than to equalling the leaves; pedicels 7–15 mm long; bracts broad-ovate, equal to or longer than sepals; sepals 1–2 cm long, free virtually to base, oblanceolate, acute, prominently longitudinally veined, glandular-hairy; corolla broadly campanulate, 2–3.5 cm long, glandular-pubescent outside, glabrous within, lobes rounded, yellow with red or brown markings within. Capsule body ovoid, 5–8 cm long, 2–3 cm wide, with many short spines; exocarp leathery, pubescent, deciduous, exposing the woody endocarp; horns slender, curved, 9–17 cm long, hooked at the tip. Flowers Nov.–May.
MuM, VRiv, MuF, CVU, NIS. Occurs in similar situations to Proboscidea louisianica, and largely co-extensive with that species. First noted in Victoria at Walwa in the far north-east, but now scattered through the north and near north-west.