Annual herbs; stems much-branched, slender, spreading or erect, often pubescent. Leaves alternate, imparipinnate; leaflets small, usually 5–37; stipules small, linear to triangular, free. Inflorescences 1–5-flowered, axillary, umbellate or in clusters, pedunculate; bracts leafy; bracteoles small. Flowers white, yellow, or pink, shortly pedicellate; calyx campanulate, 5-toothed, teeth shorter than tube, more or less equal (in Victoria) or upper 2 partly connate; petals clawed; standard oblong to orbicular; wings more or less oblong; keel straight, apex obtuse, shorter than wings; stamens diadelphous, some filaments dilated above, anthers uniform; ovary sessile, style incurved, glabrous, stigma capitate, ovules many. Pod terete or linear and compressed, beaked, reticulate, separating into 3–8 1-seeded indehiscent articles; seeds exarillate.
About 10 species from Europe, western Asia, tropical Africa and South America; 4 species naturalised in Australia.