Leaves lanceolate, 23–33 cm long, 6–8 cm wide, dark green, glabrous, lateral lobes in 4 or 5 pairs, narrow-triangular and patent, sometimes caudate, distal margins entire or with a few acute teeth, proximal margins mainly entire, not incised to the midrib and thus with broad interlobe areas, terminal lobe acutely rhomboid to sagittate, margins plane or with one or two pairs of reflexed acute teeth; petiole rose-purple, unwinged, midrib rose-purple in the basal third, green toward apex. Scapes 6–23 cm long at anthesis 30–40 cm long in fruit, white-woolly in bud, becoming glabrous at maturity except just below the capitulum, green basally grading.to pale red distally. Capitulum c. 3 cm diam., outer involucral bracts broad-lanceolate, c. 18 mm long 2–3 mm wide, patent or abruptly recurved, some twisted sideways, narrowly but clearly white-bordered, apices dark, callosed, innermost involucral bracts linear, c. 12 mm long, 2.5–3 mm wide, not callosed. Outer florets with an apically narrowed and slightly incurved ligule, exceeding the involucre by 9–10 mm; anthers with sparse pollen, or pollen sometimes absent; stigmas greenish-yellow. Achenes fusiform, 3.8–4.5 mm long, c. 1 mm wide with straight spines c. 0.3 mm long at the apex, verrucate to the base, light brown to purplish brown; cone cylindrical 0.8–1 mm long; beak 6.5–9 mm long. Pappus 5–6 mm long. Flowers and fruits mainly Sept.–Apr.
VVP, GipP. Described from Finland where presumed native, introduced into Great Britain. Common in the central and northern suburbs of Melbourne, growing on lawns and in parkland.