Semi-perennial with slender creeping stock, glabrous; stems weak, ascending, diffuse, single-stemmed or branched from base, 20–100 cm long. Leaves sessile, narrowly ovate, lanceolate, 9–40 mm long, 2–5 mm wide, margin entire, toothed or ciliate to apex; inflorescence leaves ('bracts') ovate, margin ciliate to apex, usually scarious. Inflorescence usually a terminal dichasium; fruiting pedicel usually erect, (10–)20–50(–70) mm long; sepals 3–7 mm long, glabrous, apex acute, margin ciliate in at least 2 sepals; petals 5, c. equal in length to sepals; stamens 10, some may be sterile or reduced. Capsule 3–5 mm long, 2–3 mm diam., longer than or equal to sepals; valves straight; seeds 5–20, 0.5–1 mm long, mid- to reddish-brown, tubercles medium, narrow flattened ridges appearing reticulate. Flowers Nov.–Feb.
Also naturalised NSW, Tas. Native to Europe, Asia. Known in Victoria by a single (1946) collection from Cann River. In other States it is an uncommon weed occurring in alpine areas on edges of rivers and swamps.