Erect (rarely ascending or procumbent), simple to many-branched annual, 2–100 cm high. Leaves all or mostly cauline, obovate, oblanceolate or c. linear, 1–12 cm long, 2–15 mm wide, upper surface green and glabrous to greyish-cobwebbed, lower surface whitish with appressed cottony hairs, margins often undulate. Inflorescence a terminal, hemispherical cluster, often with axillary (sometimes pedunculate) clusters, 0.5–2.5 cm diam., subtended by 4–10 leaves, the longest usually c. twice as long as the diameter of the cluster. Capitula of terminal cluster very numerous, narrowly ovoid or c. cylindric; inner bracts narrowly oblong, 3.5–4 mm long, acute, hyaline or with a narrow crimson band or blotch below the straw-coloured tip; bisexual floret 1. Cypselas sparsely hairy, c. 0.7 mm long. Flowers mostly Sep.–Dec.
LoM, MuM, Wim, GleP, Brid, VVP, VRiv, MSB, RobP, MuF, GipP, OtP, WaP, Gold, CVU, GGr, DunT, NIS, EGL, EGU, WPro, HSF, HNF, OtR, Strz, MonT, HFE, VAlp. All States. New Zealand, South-east Asia. Except in high-altitude areas, a very common and widespread species, occurring on a wide variety of substrates, e.g. mallee and coastal sands, clayey floodplain areas, and often colonizing disturbed ground.
There are several distinctive variants in the State, some possibly warranting taxonomic recognition. Plants of sandy soils in the far north-west have relatively broad obovate leaves and may be under 3 cm high when mature. A variant apparently largely confined to the Murray River floodplain in the Riverina has almost linear leaves that are grey-cottony on the upper surface, and inflorescences that often include numerous, axillary clusters; such plants bear a superficial resemblance to introduced, spicate cudweeds (Gamochaeta) or the native Gnaphalium polycaulon.