Herb to 30 cm high, taproot thin, hardly woody. Leaves linear, triquetrous to terete, 4–8 cm long, 1–4 mm wide, pale green to grey-green. Flowers dark yellow to golden-yellow, to 8 cm diam.; peduncle 7–12 cm long; sepals long acuminate; ovary 12–18-locular. Capsules cone-shaped, 10–14 mm long, 27–32 mm wide, remaining attached to stem at dispersal. Flowers Oct.–Mar. (3 records).
OtP. Native to South Africa, recorded as invading vast areas of coastal dune vegetation near Indented Head in the late 1950’s. Further investigation is required to determine if this species has persisted or spread at this site.
3 subspecies are recognised, subsp. muirii is distinguished by its dark golden-yellow flowers, thin, almost non-woody taproot and capsule shape. It is currently unclear if there is one or more subspecies naturalised in Victoria.