Rock-dwelling, sometimes forming extensive mats. Stems long, pendulous, wiry, new branches arising below leaves, aerial roots often produced from lower nodes. Leaves 1 per node, 1–12 per flowering stem, 2–9 cm long, 1–2 mm wide (rarely more), cylindric, elongate, usually curved, subtended by a sheathing bract (soon deteriorating, often leaving stringy remains). Inflorescence terminal, 1- or 2-flowered; pedicels (including ovary) 1–2 cm long, thread-like, subtending bract tiny and deciduous; flowers with labellum at top, sepals and petals whitish, cream or yellow with a few red to brown streaks at base, labellum white, devoid of markings, chin-like extension of fused sepal-bases well-developed, c. 5 mm long, cylindric, shallowly cleft. Dorsal sepal recurved, narrowly ovate, 10–15 mm long; free part of lateral sepals divergent, tapered to blunt or pointed apex, c. 10–15 mm long. Petals divergent, narrow-obovate or lanceolate, c. 10–15 mm long, narrower than sepals. Labellum curved, c. 15 mm long when straightened; lateral lobes erect, short, blunt; mid-lobe ovate, with upcurved, deeply wavy margins; lamina callus consisting of 3 parallel ridges, becoming wavy as they extend onto mid-lobe. Flowers Sep.–Nov.
GipP, EGL, EGU, MonT, HFE, VAlp. Also NSW, Tas. In Victoria confined to East Gippsland where sometimes locally plentiful, chiefly on granite rock faces and crevices in both sheltered and quite exposed sites.