Dioicous. Loose wefts on soil, rocks, logs and tree bases. Stems to 20 (–25) cm long, occasionally much longer in pendent plants, branching bipinnately to tripinnately; branches to 15 (–25) mm long. Stem leaves appressed to patent when moist, appressed or with incurved apices when dry, ovate-deltoid, ovate-triangular or triangular from cordate base, to 3 mm long, to 1 mm wide, plicate when moist and dry; apices acuminate, piliferous; costae extending into the acumen or excurrent as hair-point; margins crenulated, serrulate or almost entire, narrowly to broadly recurved near base, otherwise plane; midlaminal cells nearly isodiametric to oblong, 5–10 μm wide, papillose, becoming smooth toward apex. Branch leaves erect or erecto-patent when moist, appressed, erect or loosely imbricate when dry, broadly ovate-triangular to ovate-triangular or ovate-oblong, to 0.3(–0.5) mm long, concave; apices acute or weakly acuminate, occasionally rounded especially in very small leaves; costae extending at least 2/3 leaf length; margins serrulate, plane; midlaminal cells isodiametric or nearly so, 5–12 μm wide, papillose. Setae 2–5.5 (–7) cm long, mostly orange to brown or reddish brown, smooth. Capsules inclined to horizontal, narrowly ellipsoid or cylindric, weakly curved, to 5 mm long. Calyptrae cucullate, glabrous. Opercula obliquely short- to long-rostrate, to 2 mm long.
GipP, EGL, EGU, HSF, OtR, HFE. Mostly in wet sclerophyll forest, riparian forest and rainforest in eastern Gippsland but also recorded from the Yarra Ranges, the Otways and Walhalla. Also QLD, NSW, and Lord Howe and Norfolk Islands. India and Japan through to Hawaii and the islands of the south-west Pacific.