Leaf ovate to cordate, tending to become 3-lobed, green above, generally pale red streaked with grey below, 12–36 mm long, 10–26 mm wide. Flower reddish-purple to purple-black, reflexed against ovary, pedicel (excluding ovary) 1–2 cm long; bract conspicuous, c. 5 mm long, just below ovary; dorsal sepal reddish-purple, spoon-shaped, c. 8–10 mm long, abruptly dilated, erect at base, then much incurved, lamina circular, concave; lateral sepals narrow-linear, c. 5 mm long, spreading below labellum; petals about half as long as lateral sepals, very narrow-linear, often joined at base, spreading on each side of the labellum. Labellum wholly purplish, extending c. 5 mm beyond dorsal sepal, tubular with incurved lateral margins and flared apex, inflated in middle, orifice directed downwards and forwards, margins entire or almost so; auricles short, tubular, opening at apex; calli brush-like, extending in a single row from orifice to base along middle of lamina. Column winged. Flowers May–Aug.
GleP, VVP, GipP, OtP, WaP, Gold, GGr, DunT, EGL, EGU, WPro, HSF, OtR, Strz. Also NSW, Tas. Scattered across southern Victoria, mostly in coastal scrubs, woodland and low, heathy vegetation on winter-wet sandy or peaty soils.
A variant from the Anglesea area (growing in wet heathland) with a brighter reddish flower, a smaller dorsal sepal, often spathulate petals and a ribbed (underneath) labellum requires further investigation.