Autoicous. Mats on rocks. Stems prostrate, to 30 (–45) mm long, irregularly branched, green, with scattered fascicles of yellow-brown rhizoids, central strand present, branches 5–15 (–22) mm long. Stem and branch leaves not differentiated, homomallous or erect-spreading, scarcely altered or weakly striolate when dry, ovate-lanceolate, 1.5–2 mm long, 0.6–0.8 mm wide, concave; costae to c. 2/3 leaf length, occasionally forked, usually ending with an inconspicuous abaxial spine; apices acuminate, without a hair-point; margins serrulate at least near apex, sometimes to base, plane, without a border; cells linear, 38–94.5 μm long, 5–8.5 μm wide, smooth; alar cells rectangular, oblong or quadrate, 15–35 μm long, 7–15 μm wide, forming a moderately differentiated triangular group extending c. 8–12 cells up margin and c. ½ distance to costa. Setae 10–18 mm long, scabrose above, smooth below, rarely smooth throughout, yellow- to dark brown. Capsules inclined to horizontal, oblong-ovoid, curved, 1.5–2 mm long. Operculum conic, c. 0.7 mm long.
Recorded from beside streams near Lorne, Mount Buller and in East Gippsland. Also NSW, ACT and Tas. Cosmopolitan.