Cleretum papulosum subsp. papulosum
Spreading annual herb 2-5 cm high. Leaves spathulate or linear-spathulate, 8–40 mm long, 3–8 mm wide, dull green. Flowers terminal, ± 10 mm diam.; perianth lobes c. 7 mm long (2 shorter lobes c. 3 mm long); petaloid staminodes c. 25, yellow, c. 3 mm long; stamens 5–10. Capsules obconical, 3–7 mm long, 5–10 mm wide; pedicel 5–15 mm long, usually curved. Flowers Aug. (2 records).
MuM. Native to South Africa, occurring on sandy soils; known in Victoria from a single population growing in shaded areas of Casuarina pauper woodland at Walpeup, where it is common.
This species was previously included in the genus Micropterum Schwantes, the combination Micropterum papulosum (L.f.) Schwantes is still in New South Wales.
2 subspecies are recognised, subsp. schlechteri (Schwantes) Ihlenf. & Struck is distinguished by its much larger flowers (c. 40 mm diam.) on long straight pedicels with numerous stamens and staminodes.