Autoicous. Dense wefts on soil and tree bases. Stems creeping, densely and subpinnately branched with ascending branches mostly c. 5–12 mm long, yellow to brown, with scattered fascicles of brown rhizoids on ventral surface, central strand present. Stem and branch leaves differing by size, wide-spreading and with the apices nearly parallel to stems and branches when moist, contorted, usually incurved above, weakly plicate and often ±twisted when dry, broadly ovate-cordate, concave; costae mostly single, sometimes forked at base in some stem leaves, extending c. ½ leaf length, ending in abaxial spine; apices abruptly and finely acuminate; margins serrulate, slightly recurved near base; midlaminal cells linear-rhombic, 40–122 (–130) μm long, 6.5–11 μm wide; alar cells not differentiated; stem leaves c. 1.8–2.2 mm long, c. 1.2 mm wide; branch leaves mostly (0.8–) 1.2–1.5 mm long, (0.5–) 0.7–1 mm wide. Setae 10–17 (–25) mm long, red-brown, papillose. Capsules inclined to horizontal, short oblong-cylindric, curved, (1.6–) 1.8–2.5 mm long. Operculum long rostrate, (1.6–) 1.8–2.5 mm long.
GipP, CVU, GGr, OtR. Recorded in the Grampians, Otways and Lerdederg Gorge in wet sclerophyll gullies and rainforest. Also Tas. New Zealand.
Contrary to Hedenäs (1996), Ignatov & Huttunen (2002) considered New Zealand and south-eastern Australian Eurhynchium asperipes (Mitt.) Dixon synonymous with South American Oxyrrhynchium remotifolium. If the two species are confirmed to be distinct, then Eurhynchium asperipes (Mitt.) Dixon will need a combination in Oxyrrhynchium because it is clearly misplaced in Eurhynchium based on its rough seta.