Dioicous. Rough and irregular wefts on soil. Stems creeping, commonly 30–100 (–130) mm long, pinnately or slightly bipinnately branched, brown, with scattered brown rhizoids on ventral surface, with ascending branches, central stand present. Stem and branch leaves strongly differentiated; midlaminal cells linear-rhomboid, 20–75 μm long, 5–8.5 μm wide, smooth; alar cells inflated, forming a large but poorly-defined, intra-marginal group, which nearly fills the auricle and grades into oblong cells of decurrency. Stem leaves erecto-patent to spreading, broadly ovate-cordate, 0.7–1.5 mm long, (0.5–) 0.7–1.2 mm wide, plicate wen dry; apices abruptly acuminate; costae extending to near base of acumen, not ending in abaxial spine; margins serrulate, plane. Branch leaves ovate-lanceolate, (0.3–) 0.6–1.2 mm long, (0.1–) 0.2–0.4 (–0.7) mm wide, not plicate; costae extending c. ¾ leaf length, ending in abaxial spine; apices acuminate; margins denticulate. Setae 15–25 mm long, red-brown, finely papillose. Capsules ±horizontal, oblong-cylindric, slightly asymmetric, c. 2 mm long. Operculum long-rostrate from conic base, c. 2 mm long.
HSF, OtR, Strz, VAlp. In anthropogenic habitats such as lawns, gardens, plantations, and roadsides mostly around Melbourne and the Otways but also other population centres throughout the south and along the Great Dividing Range. Naturalised. Also SA, NSW and Tas. Cosmopolitan.