Anthyllis vulneraria
L. Kidney VetchProstrate, ascending or erect perennial herb to 70 cm high, pubescent. Leaves imparipinnate, lowermost leaves often reduced to the terminal leaflet; leaflets 1–15, lanceolate, ovate or elliptic, obtuse to acute; terminal leaflet mostly 1.5–3.2 cm long, 2–9 mm wide. Inflorescence a many-flowered head, to c. 4 cm diam., subtended by 2 palmatisect bracts; peduncle 3–15 cm long; calyx campanulate, constricted at the apex, 8–10 mm long, densely white-pubescent, lobes unequal, shorter than tube; corolla 12–15 mm long, yellow to orange or red; standard broadly elliptic; wings obovate; keel acute. Pod subglobose, c. 3 mm long, compressed, glabrous, brown; seeds 1–2, ellipsoid, c. 2 mm long, smooth. Flowers Nov.–Jan. (2 records).
Native to Europe and northern Africa, recorded as naturalised in Victoria by Ewart (1931) on the basis of 2 records, Lilydale (1912) and Dargo (1922). There are no recent records from these or other locations in Victoria so it must be assumed that it has not persisted.
A highly variable species with numerous subspecies and varieties. No attempt has been made to determine the identity of Victorian records at infraspecific rank due to the absence of recent observations.