Mats on rocks, olive green to pale yellow-green. Stems to 5 cm long, brown, with scattered brown rhizoids. Leaves erect- to wide-spreading when moist, appressed to erect-spreading when dry, broadly ovate or oblong-ovate, 1.25–2.5 mm long, 0.5–1 mm wide, concave; costa absent; base cordate, auriculate; apex acute to acuminate, pigmented, rarely hyaline at very tip; margins entire, recurved, without a border; laminal cells in apical half rectangular or quadrate, 8–25 μm long, 4–10 μm wide, with a few to several low and inconspicuous simple papillae, those of apices scarcely differentiated; laminal cells in basal third near middle linear, 30–80 μm long, 5–10 μm wide, gold-brown, papillose, those near margins subquadrate, similar to other laminal cells; alar cells quadrate to rectangular, 12–35 μm long, 10–15 μm wide, sometimes slightly inflated, gold-brown or orange, papillose. Perichaetial leaves oblong, longer than stem leaves, with serrulate margins. Setae 0.8–1 mm long, brown, smooth. Capsules ovoid or oblong, erect, c. 1.5 mm long. Operculum umbonate or rostrate from conic base, 0.35–0.5 mm long.
VVP, VAlp. Also WA, SA, QLD, NSW, ACT and Tas. Cosmopolitan. Widespread throughout the state except for the north-west, in rocky and often dry areas that are exposed.
Braunia imberbis (as Hedwigidium imberbe (Sm.) Bruch & Schimp.) was incorrectly synonymised with Hedwigia integrifolia P.Beauv. This lead to the wide misapplication of the name Hedwigidium integrifolia (P.Beauv.) Dixon, including in Australia, for collections that are correctly assigned to Braunia imberbis (Dalton et al. 2012).