Simple or branched annual herbs, with scale-like glandular hairs. Leaves mainly alternate but the lowermost pairs opposite, sessile, entire. Inflorescence a compound head, somewhat club-shaped or spike-like; bracts subtending compound heads inconspicuous. General receptacle a simple, undivided axis; capitula discoid, homogamous, each subtended by 1 hyaline abaxial bract with a prominent midrib; capitular bracts 2–c. 10, hyaline, with a distinct constriction in the upper part and with entire margins, or lacking a constriction and the margins variably hairy, bracts either distinctly paired and opposite one another or arranged in 1 or 2 rows. Florets 1–5(–8) per capitulum, bisexual; corolla tubular, 3–5-lobed; style branches truncate; stamens as many as corolla-lobes, anthers tailed. Cypselas papillose, pink or purple; pappus a small jagged ring or a ring with several apically divided bristles, or absent.
About 8 species, all endemic to Australia.
Short, P.S. (1999). Gnephosis. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 4, Cornaceae to Asteraceae, pp. 808–809. Inkata Press, Melbourne.