Robust climber with stems to c. 10 m long; stems puberulent when young, glabrescent with age. Leaves broad-oblong to broad-ovate, 4–15 cm long, 2–8 cm wide, apex abruptly narrowed, obtuse, base obtuse to slightly cordate, margins flat to slightly recurved, upper surface usually dark green, glabrous, lower surface pale green with distinct venation, glabrous; glands several at base of midvein, finger-like; petiole 10–40 mm long. Inflorescences simple several–many-flowered umbels; peduncles mostly 10–30 mm long, pubescent. Pedicels 5–15 mm long; sepals 2–2.5 mm long, joined in basal two-thirds, pubescent; corolla 5–7.5 mm long, creamy-white, tubepubescent inside, lobes oblong, 3–6 mm long, spreading. Follicles ovoid, 5–7 cm long, 2–4 cm wide, virtually glabrous; seeds 8–10 mm long, c. 4 mm wide, coma hairs 2–4 cm long. Flowers spring–summer.
MuM, GipP, EGL, EGU, HSF, Strz, MonT, HFE. Also Qld, NSW. Apart from an isolated occurrence at Tarra Valley in the Strzelecki Ranges, apparently confined in Victoria to rainforest gullies and wet sclerophyll forests east from the Gippsland Lakes.