Annual herb to 1 m high, green or grey-green, pubescent with stellate and minute glandular hairs; prickles to 10 mm long, straight, abundant on most parts of plant. Leaves ovate or ovate-oblong, mostly 2–10 cm long, 1–8 cm wide, deeply lobed or pinnatipartite, concolorous, both surfaces pubescent; lobes obovate, margins irregularly sinuate, sometimes lobed to midrib near base; petiole to 5 cm long, decurrent. Inflorescences simple, few–10-flowered; peduncle 15–30 mm long. Flowers on pedicels 5–10 mm long; calyx 6–10 mm long, very spiny, accrescent in fruit, lobes narrow-triangular, 3–5 mm long; corolla rotate, 30–40 mm diam., bright yellow, lobes irregular, 1 or 2 longer than the rest; anthers unequal, 4 anthers 6–8 mm long and straight, the fifth c. 10 mm long and curved. Berry globose, c. 10 mm diam., partially enclosed by calyx, drying blackish, skin papery; seeds 2–2.5 mm long, dark brown or black. Flowers mostly summer and autumn.
MuM, Wim, VRiv, Gold, NIS. Also naturalised WA, SA, Qld, NSW, ACT. Native to northern Mexico; widely naturalised in other countries. Widespread in north and north-west Victoria, usually in cereal growing areas on disturbed sites. Declared a noxious weed in Victoria.