Shrubs, stellate-hairy. Leaves simple, entire, toothed or lobed, venation pinnate, petiolate; stipules leaf-like and persistent. Flowers bisexual, in axillary leaf-opposed racemes; bracts absent or caducous; bracteoles 3, shorter than the calyx segments. Calyx papery, petaloid, 5-lobed to below the middle, stellate-pubescent; petals 5, minute, or sometimes absent; stamens 5, free, opposite the petals, anthers dehiscing by short terminal slits; staminodes absent; ovary sessile, usually 3-locular, each loculus with 2 or more ovules, style 1. Capsule opening loculicidally, stellate-hairy, enclosed by the calyx.
Endemic Australian genus of more than 30 species.
Short, P.S. (1996). Sterculiaceae. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 3, Dicotyledons Winteraceae to Myrtaceae, pp. 324–331. Inkata Press, Melbourne.