Dioicous. Asexual propagules absent. Loose turves on soil, rocks, logs or tree trunks, yellowish to dark green. Stems 12–30 mm long, simple or branched, red-brown, with abundant reddish-brown rhizoids at stem base and in leaf axils, central strand absent. Leaves oblong to broadly oblong-lanceolate, 1.6–2.6 mm long, 1–1.5 mm wide, those in dorsal and lateral ranks symmetric, those in lateral ranks asymmetric, plane, slightly undulate when dry; apex rounded or obtuse, with 150–200 μm long apiculum; costa weak, very short, forked; margins prominently irregularly dentate near apex, plane, with 3–5 rows of more elongate cells forming a border throughout; laminal cells in apical half away from margin oblong-hexagonal, 25–70 μm long, 12–35 μm wide, smooth; basal laminal cells away from margin rhomboid- or oblong-hexagonal, 25–105 μm long, 10–38 μm wide, smooth; marginal cells linear, 42–125 μm long, 5–10 μm wide, smooth. Setae 3–7 mm long, yellow-brown, densely covered with hyaline, non-papillose spines. Capsule ovoid, horizontal or inclined, straight, 1–1.5 mm long. Calyptra densely hairy throughout, sometimes smooth near apex, fimbriate at base. Operculum 0.4–0.6 mm long.