Dioicous. Asexual propagules absent. Dense mats or tufts on rocks, logs and soil, usually aquatic. Stems creeping, ascending or crowded and erect, irregularly to regularly pinnately branched, glabrous or with sparse fascicles of rhizoids or covered on ventral surface; central strand absent or weakly defined; paraphyllia present, filiform to narrowly lanceolate; pseudoparaphyllia foliose to filamentous. Stem and branch leaves similar or branch leaves smaller and less squarrose, ovate to lanceolate, squarrose or wide-spreading when moist, unaltered or sometimes twisted when dry, arranged around stem and facing all directions or falcate-secund, sometimes plicate; apex acuminate; costa single, extending to mid-leaf to below the apex, percurrent or excurrent (not in Victoria); margins entire or denticulate, plane, without a border or border weak toward base (not in Victoria); laminal cells elliptic, oblong-hexagonal or rhomboidal, becoming short-rectangular at base, smooth or prorulose, unistratose; alar cells poorly differentiated. Capsules inclined or horizontal, curved, obloid to cylindric, with an annulus. Calyptra cucullate, smooth, glabrous. Opercula convex, conic or conic-apiculate. Peristome double; exostome of 16 entire teeth; endostome segments equal to exostome, with a high basal membrane; cilia present.
One species in eastern Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Subantarctic Islands and Antarctica.