Deyeuxia mesathera
Stapf ex VickeryTufted, glabrous perennial, culms erect, to 120 cm high. Leaf-blades flat, channelled or inrolled, to 40 cm long and 3 mm wide, scabrous; ligules membranous, 2–4 mm long. Inflorescence a dense to loose cylindric panicle, sometimes interrupted, 5–25 cm long. Spikelets 2.5--3.2 mm long, green or purplish; glumes equal or the lower slightly longer than upper, acute, scabrous along the keel, minutely scabrous on the sides; lemma slightly shorter to slightly longer than glumes, 2.4–3.1 mm long, indistinctly nerved, finely but distinctly scabrous all over, truncate or minutely dentate at apex, awned from about midway or slightly above; awn straight or slightly geniculate, about as long as lemma, not twisted in the basal part; callus hairs conspicuous, to c. 1 mm long; rachilla not produced. Flowers Nov.–Feb. (NSW records)
EGL. Known in Victoria by a single 1905 collection at NSW herbarrium and labelled 'Orbost'. The habitat in Victoria is unknown, but in New South Wales the species occurs in lowland swampy vegetation.
Probably extinct in Victoria. The solitary record for this state is some 350 km remote from the nearest known occurrence near Ulladulla, New South Wales. It is rare throughout its range (to as far north as Sydney).