Atriplex stipitata subsp. miscella
N.G.Walsh & SluiterSparse, twiggy, more or less erect shrub to ca. 60 cm high, probably rather short-lived. Stems rather fine (usually <0.5 mm diam. a few nodes from tip). Leaves narrowly oblong to narrowly elliptic, mostly 7–20 mm long, 1.5–4.5 mm wide, length-width ratio (2–)3.5– 4.5(–5.5). Inflorescences simple or sparingly branched spikes; flowers clustered in more or less spherical glomerules to ca. 2 mm diam., each usually comprising mostly male and 1-several female flowers (occasionally female flowers 1–few in leaf axils below the main inflorescence). Fruiting bracteoles with stipe to 9 mm long, valves free, grey, reniform or cordate, to 7 mm long and 9(–11) mm wide at maturity, thin, appressed, without appendages. Fruits mainly Oct.–Mar.
MuM. All mainland States. Confined to far north-west Victoria (e.g. Hattah-Kulkyne NP, Sunset Country). Usually in mallee communities, on sandy or sandy clay soils, sometimes with limestone.