Leaves lanceolate, 9–30 cm long, 20–90 mm wide, hairy to glabrous; lateral lobes in 5–8 pairs, markedly dimorphic, in early flowering plants broadly deltoid with finely denticulate distal margins and entire proximal margins, in later flowering plants deltoid-caudate, the tail often long and expanded at tips; distal margins of the upper 2 or 3 lobes ± laciniate with 1 or 2 longer ± parallel lobules, proximal margins entire or with 1 acute lobule; terminal lobe acute, hastate to trilobulate; petiole relatively short, rose-purple, sometimes narrowly winged. Scapes 6–10 cm long at anthesis, 15–25 (–30) cm long in fruit. Capitula 3–3.5 cm diam.; outer bracts broadly lanceolate to lanceolate, 8–10 mm long, 2–4 mm wide, patent to recurved, with white borders c. 0.25 mm wide and tips with a large callus c. 1.5 mm high; innermost bracts linear, 16–17 mm long, 1–3 mm wide, usually with a large apical callus to 1 mm high. Outer ligules flat, exceeding involucre by 3–5 mm; anthers usually with pollen; stigmas greenish-yellow. Cypselas narrowly fusiform, 4–5 mm long, 0.75–1.25 mm wide, very pale brown to salmon-pink or dark red-brown, with flattened, straight spines less than 0.3 mm long at apex, usually smooth, rarely verrucate in lower two thirds; cone 1.2–1.5 mm long; beak 8–10 mm long; pappus 5–7 mm long. Flowers Sept.–Apr.
This species, although classed in sect. Erythrosperma by van Soest, has the robust growth habit and large cypselas with long cones of sect. Erythrocarpa spp. and seems more closely related to these than to most sect. Erythrosperma spp.