Branchlet internodes 7–13 mm long, 0.8–1.4 mm diam.; furrows pubescent when young, usually becoming glabrous; ribs nearly flat to slightly rounded. Teeth 7 or 8, 0.7–1.5 mm long. Male spikes with 8–11 (rarely c. 4) whorls perer 0.8–1.5 mm long. Flowers Mar., Aug.–Nov.
LoM, MuM, Wim, GleP, GGr, DunT. Also SA. Found from Little Desert to Wyperfeld National Park, in heath on sandy soils.
Subspecies xerophila is intermediate between the other 2 subspecies and at the edges of its range can intergrade to them.
Entwisle, T.J. (1996). Casuarinaceae. In: Walsh, N.G.; Entwisle, T.J., Flora of Victoria Vol. 3, Dicotyledons Winteraceae to Myrtaceae, pp. 90–101. Inkata Press, Melbourne.