Tree to 15 m tall; bark smooth, pale grey over orange, becoming brown or coppery and somewhat shiny, usually with small curled flakes of persistent dead bark on lower part of trunk; branches steeply angled. Juvenile leaves petiolate, alternate, ovate-lanceolate, to 10 cm long, 6 cm wide, dull grey-green; adult leaves petiolate, alternate, lanceolate, rarely falcate, 6–14 cm long, 1–2.5(–3.5) cm wide, concolorous, glossy, green; reticulation moderate with numerous island and intersectional oil glands. Inflorescences axillary, unbranched; peduncles flattened, to 3.4 cm long, 7-flowered; buds pedicellate, stubby to elongate, swollen at joint, to 1.9 cm long, 0.7 cm diam., scar present; operculum horn-shaped, often much longer than hypanthium; stamens erect; anthers versatile, dorsifixed, oblong; ovules in 4 vertical rows; flowers cream to pale lemon. Fruit pedicellate, cupular to campanulate, to 1.2 cm long, 1 cm diam.; disc level to descending; valves 3 or 4, level or above rim; seed grey-black, ovoid to flattened-ovoid, with distinct shallow reticulum, hilum ventral. Flowers Sep.–Dec.
VVP, GipP, Gold, CVU. Native to Western Australia, known in Victoria from a single population near Bacchus Marsh.