Autoicous or dioicous. Asexual reproduction by leaf-like lanceolate, elliptic or ovate gemmae, with or without a costa, produced on stem apices or bases of upper leaves. Dense, sometimes open turves on tree trunks and branches, rarely on rock or soil. Stems (1.5–) 4–10 (–20) mm long, branched. Leaves spreading or patent, sometimes recurved when moist, spirally twisted when dry, lingulate to spathulate, 1–3.8 mm long, 0.3–1.3 mm wide, plane, unistratose; apices rounded, obtuse or emarginate; costae excurrent as a hair-point; hair-point hyaline, smooth, sometimes weakly denticulate and brown at base, (0.2–) 0.4–0.9 (–1.6) mm long; margins entire or crenulate, plane or slightly recurved around middle, rarely throughout basal 2/3, without a border or with 2–5 rows of thicker-walled and less papillose cells forming a border; laminal cells in apical half quadrate, rectangular or rounded, (10–) 12.5–15 (–25) μm long, (7.5–) 10–15 (–17.5) μm wide, pluripapillose; basal cells quadrate to rectangular, 25–92.5 μm long, 15–32.5 μm wide, smooth. Setae 4.5–15 mm long, reddish-brown, twisted to right, sometimes twisted to left near base, smooth. Capsules erect, cylindric, straight, 1.8–4.7 mm long, brown. Opercula long-conic, 1–2.1 mm long. Peristome of 32 spirally twisted teeth.
LoM, MuM, VVP, VRiv, RobP, GipP, Gold, CVU, GGr, NIS, HSF. Mostly in woodland, beside rivers or in town centres of cities in drier areas throughout the state. All mainland states and territories. Cosmopolitan.